Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Bernie and Bo

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Donald Mead said...

Bernie was diagnosed with megaesophagus in January 2006. This causes him to regurgitate his food if he doesn't eat in an upright position. He has been doing pretty well after some adjustments to his diet and eating position. However, he is prone to aspiration pnemonia due to his condition and, at his age, that can be fatal. Overnight he got sick and was too weak to sit up, so he got sick on himself and his bedding. When I tried to get him up to clean his bed, he was too weak to roll over off his side and could not stand. I had to pick him up to clean the bed. Later in the morning he wet himself and his (cleaned) bed. Erin took him to the vets and he has a slightly elevated temperature and a rapid heart rate. He is staying overnight for observation and is on antibiodics. His lung Xrays are clear which is good and his heart sounds are normal - just rapid. Hopefully, it is some minor infection. I will provide an update on his condition tomorrow.

Donald Mead said...

Sadly, we had to have Bernie put to sleep on December 30th. He was getting progressively worse and was having trouble standing to eat as well as controlling his bladder. We had him cremated, so he is back with us now. He was a smart and good friend for over 15 years.

Phyllis said...

I will miss my little Bernie.He is in a better place now,running and playing with all his little cousin doggie's
Bernie's, Grandma

Joanie said...

There is a saying that I have always remembered every since we had to have Snuggles put to sleep and then again with Taylor...And now with Bernie...

"Gone from our sight but never our memories, Gone from our touch but never our hearts"

Donald Mead said...

Bo has aspirant pneumonia. It was caused by Megaespohagus, yea the same thing Bernie had. But Bo's has an underlying cause of Myasthenia Gravis, a neuro-muscular disease that causes loss of muscle control. He also cannot stand at times. The vet has recommended euthanasia. He was not able to stand without the help of three vet tech when they feed him today and he has to stay upright in a sitting/begging position while eating and for about 15-20 minutes after eating because of the Megaesophagus.